emergent dialogue

• coherence • co-conscious creativity • intersubjective sense-making

Program Central

Recordings & Support Materials

The Program:

  • The two Teaching Sessions each month will be held on Wednesdays from 17:00-18:30 Central European Time. For the time in your location, see World Time Buddy. Here is the Zoom link for these sessions:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85737203983 Passcode: 032021

  • The small group practice sessions will held twice a month in the weeks when there isn’t a Teaching Session and will be scheduled by each group so that they are at a time convenient to the group members. The Zoom link for the practice groups will be provided by the two facilitators for your group. (If the time for the group does not work for you, please be in touch: info@oneworldindialogue.com)

  • We will take a summer break, which we believe will be helpful in two ways: first, so that in a potentially post-COVID summer, you have a chance to get away, and second, to integrate what you have learned so that you can be ready for the last section of the program.

  • Recordings of the Teaching Sessions will be made available to course participants, but watching them does not substitute for attending the sessions, which are interactive and experiential.

1. the emergence of coherence

March 17

Perceiving the Field

The difference between the interpersonal and intersubjective

March 31

Radical Openness

Meditation & the subtle skill of letting go

April 14

Collective Presencing - Part 1

The Heideggerian Fourfold: Standing on and open to

April 28

Collective Presencing - Part 2

The Heideggerian Fourfold: Bound in time and lit by the sacred

May 12

Not Knowing & Longing

Experiencing trust and intimacy with the life process

2. the emergence of co-conscious creativity

May 26

Invoking & Evoking

Learning how to speak "from" and "to" the dimension between us

June 9


Shifting the locus of your engagement

June 23

Intuiting Wholeness

Experiencing diversity in unity

July 7

The Creative Impulse

Eros & aliveness in the field of consciousness

August 25


Unfolding the present

3. the emergence of intersubjective sensemaking

September 8

Creative Friction

Transforming conflict without fragmentation

September 22

Synergetic Intelligence

Co-intelligence in action

Recordings & Practice Instructions

March 17: Perceiving the Field

IN YOUR PRACTICE GROUPS, explore the difference between an interpersonal and an intersubjective space–experientially. And then inquire into the qualities of the intersubjective field.  This isn’t a theoretical position or idea. It’s not about what we say it is but what you/your group and the group members discover and learn for themselves about the space between us that is beyond the interpersonal.

March 31: Radical Openness

MEDITATE TOGETHER IN YOUR PRACTICE GROUPS. Meditate with simple open awareness, not for long, but until the field rises and deepens within and beyond you. Staying with this space, gently come out of the meditation and begin to explore the nature of this space together–without losing the tender delicacy of the meditation group between you. Again, this is not about concepts or ideas or methods–we are looking to speak from and to the living space between us.

April 14: Collective Presence-Part 1

OUR FOCUS IN PRACTICE is on Collective Presence. We will be exploring two dimensions of our collective presence: that in this presence we are standing on what has been and open to what is possible–collectively. Can you care-fully explore this from an intersubjective, rather than from an interpersonal or personal, perspective? Keep in mind that this approach takes us beyond the division of subject-object and self-other when we identify more with and intuit from the space between rather from our own separation and habitual patterns of response. This is not an act of the imagination but of sensing into the wholeness that holds all of our experience together.

Thoughts from Elizabeth on your next practice session
April 28: Collective Presence-Part 2

LET’S PRACTICE THE FOURFOLD. Engaging in the Fourfold takes us beyond our self boundaries to meet in the intersubjective. What are we standing on in this particular situation of our dialogue practice groups? (Earth: What is the context?) What are we open to, here together? (Sky: What is the shared potential?) How are we bound by time in this dialogue? (Mortals: How does the finite nature of life play out in our dialogue?) What hints of deep meaningfulness appear in our conversation? (Divinities: How does sacredness appear between us?)

Bonus: Voices with VERVAEKE - Interview with Thomas & Elizabeth
Q&A Session from May 1, 2021
May 12: Not Knowing & Longing

ALLOW YOURSELVES TO USE YOUR ORGANS OF PERCEPTION TO PLAY THE MUSIC OF THE SPACE BETWEEN…Starting at the point we left last week, let’s continue from this coherence found in not knowing to explore the longing that can arise between us. Using language as an instrument of resonance, speak of the longing, explore it, inquire into it. This complements the posture of the Fourfold, which helps us to sense into the dynamics and evolutionary tension within the field.


May 26: Evoking & Invoking

LET’S PLAY WITH EVOKING AND INVOKING THE FIELD.  As we begin the second section of the program, our aim is to develop the capacity to give rise to a conscious field and to begin to allow ourselves to be guided to create together. In this session, we explored how evoking the field happens when we speak from the place where we are most deeply touched within the intersubjective–the place where the longing comes from. See what happens as you experiment with evoking and invoking? How does our speaking bring it alive?

Let's Jump In & Practice!
June 9: Transindividuation

CHOOSING TO ALIGN WITH THE IMPULSE FROM THE FIELD. Transindividuation re-embeds us in the whole–not in group think but as a unique being with the capacity to choose to align with the momentum and aliveness of the space between us. Explore transindividuation as an experience of sensing and choice. Find out what happens when you do this together as a whole in the field that holds us all.

June 23: Intuiting Wholeness

STRETCH TOWARD WHOLENESS; SYNCHRONIZE WITH THE VORTEX. Being very curious and wide open, reaching to embrace the wholeness that is bigger than you and bigger than the group, explore the momentum and movement between you. There is a pull there into a vortex of energy and meaning-making. Pay attention to how you all are drawn to synchronize with this vortex, which then gains more momentum and more meaning-making capacity.

July 7: The Creative Impulse

WHERE DOES THE CREATIVE IMPULSE WANT TO GO? Staying in touch with the wholeness that we are and that we are held by, lean in to the aliveness between you and respond to the creative impulse that emerges from this between space. What is the difference between responding to one’s own creative impulse and the impulse of Eros arising from the space between? 

August 25: Ereignis

WHAT DOES THIS INTERSUBJECTIVE SPACE WANT TO UNFOLD NOW? The unfolding of the present in its presence is ereignis. That’s a German word that has a superficial meaning, but in its depth means the opening up of the moment in its fullness now. Taking off from where we ended in this session, continue to explore the unfolding of now.  

September 8: Creative Friction

HOW CAN WE TRANSFORM CONFLICT INTO CREATIVE FRICTION? As we start to explore intersubjective sensemaking, we bring “content”–subjects that we care about and are identified with–into the mix. Let’s continue to explore the question: Is there a way out of polarization that does not lead to conformity? Keep the field alive and be alert to the mental realm taking over the dialogue. We want to allow the intersubjective intelligence, through us, to transform the diversity and differences in perspectives into a creative outcome.

The Teaching/Facilitation Team

Thomas Steininger
Elizabeth Debold
Pamela von Sabljar
Mike kauschke

I am managing editor of evolve Magazine, a translator, author and facilitator of emergent dialogue. I have studied Zen Buddhism with various teachers, engaged in hospice work and have nearly 20 years’ experience working with We Space and emergent dialogue. Currently, I am writing a book about a poetic art of living that will be published later this year. 

Iris von Tiedemann

I have worked as a business and teaching coach (ECA) for more than 25 years. I live in Berlin, and am trained as a process and systems consultant based on process-orientated psychology. I am co-founder and head of the Institute for Transformational Leadership (www.transformational-leadership.de), which has given regular trainings in transformation process facilitation for the last 15 years. I work primarily in intercultural design contexts in the areas of media, culture, and art. My specialty is unfolding the unique potential of the individual for the benefit of the intelligence of the field.

Pontus Grace Holmgren

I am a trained Urban Tantra guide and a licensed psychologist who believes in the transformative power of deep listening and play. I am an actor, conductor and teacher in improvised Playback Theatre and I have a role as a catalyst at Ekskäret Klustret Stockholm, a space and a community supporting inner and outer growth that matters. I have been working as a facilitator with processes connected to leadership, organizational change and personal development Internationally since the beginning of the 1990’s.

Marlene Potthoff

The question of how environmental protection and social change can go hand in hand with actively lived modern spirituality has occupied me since my youth. Professionally, I am committed to living climate protection. In addition, I am inspired by the vitality of the field of consciousness between us and the desire for deep human togetherness. For the past 15 years, the co-conscious and co-creative thinking and working in emergent dialogues have been the engine of my work for a new culture between human beings and for the world.

Maria Zacherl

It is such a joy to have been workng with this dedicated team and other members since 2009. Although I am a naturopath by profession, I am involved in facilitating different Co-Conscious We-space and emergent dialogue programs at emerge bewusstseinskultur e.V. and One World in Dialogue and am part of the support team of evolve Magazine’s salon work.

I am a facilitator in service of social movements in the United States and Latin America. I specialize in the development of leadership networks, and I focus on the transformation of leaders and organizations. My work develops our capacity to work with complexity. And I pay very close attention to dynamics of power, equity, and inclusion. I think of this work as a forward facing remembering. And I move with the understanding that our next evolutionary leap depends on trust and the currency of love. I am devoting my life to finding better ways of being together in this world.
Nadja RosmanN

As a cultural anthropologist, I’m fascinated by exploring how collectives find purpose and create togetherness. In the past ten years, emergent dialogue became to me a life practice in this discovery. Being a member of the editorial team of evolve Magazine, I established and co-lead with my colleagues a network of almost 30 evolve salons in the German speaking countries where we take deep dives into the evolution of culture and consciousness, based on the magazine topics.

Abhishek Thakore

My life is a confluence of spirituality, social change and business. Over the last two decades, I have participated in experiments, dialogues, and movements in over 30 countries. My spiritual practice is through my work at Blue Ribbon Movement which nurtures young leaders through the power of Sarvanumati, which roughly means full-consensus decision-making. I live in Mumbai with my family and love to travel to energy hubs around the world.

Katrien Franken

I am founder and Director of Research at Open Up, which is about developing psychotherapeutic breathwork and a source of credibility and opportunity for what is possible in exploring new understandings of human healing potential and sustainable change. I look at humans, society and the world holistically and am driven by a strong passion to help transform the narrative and cultural conditioning; our internal structure of the world. I work with widely different people and extensively with younger generations, empowering them to foster regenerative leadership. Through an experiential and educational approach, I facilitate to support the exchange of discoveries for our mutual growth, understanding through what is most alive, to come alive.

Kerry Lindsey

After a long trifold path through the arenas of small business start-ups, collective spiritual practices, and developing physical communities, my paths began to merge 30 years ago into the world of collaborative technologies.  That journey ultimately landed me in the realm of intersubjective practices five years ago. Thanks to the new world that opened, the context that most drives me now is, “How do we create–From the We– the localized human-scale economies that will absolutely work… for the we, and the planet?”

Alexandra Robinson

I am excited by the challenge of overcoming the story of separation and the destructive effects this has on our psyches, our social soma and the animate earth we are a part of.

Currently, I am addressing this challenge through engaging in a Erasmus+ funded research project on Cognitive Adult Development – in which I am eager to explore what contributes to the ongoing development of our cognitive and socio-emotional abilities. 

Furthermore, I am participating in the development of the potential era of the Regenaissance, and the Turn – a festive gathering to continually and playfully develop the symbols we use to describe and respond to the challenges we face in co-evolving with the universe.

James Redenbaugh

My work is informed by a life-long interest in collaboration, community, inter-connectivity, and intersubjectivity. I’ve been an artist, architect, entrepreneur, and parkour coach, but my greatest interest will always lie in the infinite potential to be found in the space between individuals, and the meshworks between movements. I’m a certified Integral Facilitator, co-living community manager, and evolve Magazine‘s biggest non-German-speaking fan. 

Francois Demange

My journey began in the mid 90’s in the Peruvian Amazon after having searched many years for a connection with nature and its invisible reality. Then I was introduced to Amazonian plant medicine and taken under the wing of a master medicine man from the Shipibo-Conibo community. Over the next two decades, I was trained in their ways, following strict plant diets in the jungle and learning the art of singing to heal. Building on that initial training, I further immersed myself in indigenous traditions from the Amazon (Quechua Lamista, Awajun), the Andes, the Native American Plains, and Gabon. Both as a Reiki Master and healer, I help people connect to Spirit and the invisible power of Nature. Today, I dedicate myself to be a bridge between these shamanic traditions and modern contemporary culture – creating a distinctive approach to self and collective awakening.

Kelly Jennings

My life’s core commitment and question is: Are we willing and courageous enough to become our ancestors’ wildest dreams and the elders our children are waiting for? I understand this calls us to evolve, both individually and collectively. To serve this evolution, I bring two decades of ritual practice and training with indigenous grandmothers and healers from the Mayan, Mexica, Lakota, Shipibo, and Quechua traditions together with Eastern and Western ways of healing as a naturopathic physician, consciousness counselor, herbalist, Chinese medicine practitioner, and Qi Gong teacher. I am also a MoonDancer, raga singer, and lover of cold plunges.

Nick Shore
I’m an ex-entertainment executive who mutineered from corporate America, Jerry-McGuire-style, after being bonked on the head with a heavy personal meaning crisis! Inevitable Eat. Pray. Love. period ensued. But then I reset my life-GPS away from Reality TV towards reality itself — directly into the storm clouds of the so-called meta-crisis. And wound up in boot camp training as a facilitator in intersubjective group space practices like Emergent Dialogue. My current mission, it seems, points in the direction of conscious leaders, and specifically using the focusing lens of group psychotechnology to help them access guidance directly from the emergent edge … guidance on questions like: “What should we actually co-create, wisely and beautifully, in collaboration with this strange future that’s pouring in now?” 
Diana Spiegel

I am a life-long learner who began my professional life as an educator. My passion for how culture and spirituality mutually evolve led to creating retreats, workshops, and dialogue groups. I experience emergence when the collective engages creatively in intentional inquiry. For over fifteen years, I’ve worked with Elizabeth and Thomas, supporting the facilitation of  small groups in emerging dialogue, The Power of We, and HigherWe Practices.

Dr. Elizabeth Debold

For the last forty-some years, I have sought the answer to the question: how can we transform the dynamics of relationship and complexities of desire between women and men so that we all can thrive and reach our full human potential?

This inquiry has taken me from feminist activism in New York City to a doctorate in developmental psychology with Dr. Carol Gilligan at Harvard to a tumultuous global spiritual community that pioneered collective awakening and, finally, to an ongoing experiment in intersubjective emergence in Frankfurt, Germany.

I founded One World in Dialogue, an online forum to explore how intersubjectivity can bring us together across cultures to create new capacities in global consciousness. An author, transformative educator, journalist/editor, community leader and mentor, I have found the answer to my question in the amazing collective emergence of the Co-Conscious We and seek to share its potential in all that I do.