We are Evolution – An Audio-Interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard



Barbara Marx Hubbard passed away on April 10th. She was and is one of the great pioneers in the exploration of human potential and our conscious evolution. For our article about the life and work of Barbara Marx Hubbard, evolve editor Mike Kauschke spoke with her last year. We want to share this with you to hear her legacy about our human potential and our further human evolution.

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Dr. Elizabeth Debold

For the last forty-some years, I have sought the answer to the question: how can we transform the dynamics of relationship and complexities of desire between women and men so that we all can thrive and reach our full human potential?

This inquiry has taken me from feminist activism in New York City to a doctorate in developmental psychology with Dr. Carol Gilligan at Harvard to a tumultuous global spiritual community that pioneered collective awakening and, finally, to an ongoing experiment in intersubjective emergence in Frankfurt, Germany.

I founded One World in Dialogue, an online forum to explore how intersubjectivity can bring us together across cultures to create new capacities in global consciousness. An author, transformative educator, journalist/editor, community leader and mentor, I have found the answer to my question in the amazing collective emergence of the Co-Conscious We and seek to share its potential in all that I do.